Pioneer SmartFA Modular

Pioneer SCADA

centralized management on all of the data
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Pioneer machinery

Feature of Pioneer SCADA system

Pioneer SCADA system brings tons of advantages for data-organizing and it is a powerful and flexible tool that can adapt to each user depending on their specific needs. Furthermore, SCADA allows relevant personnel to manage the entire factory in an efficient manner.

pioneer machinery

Benefits of Pioneer SCADA system


of human resources is decreased on manual report preparation

from 5-7 people down to 1-2 people


of time is saved on report preparation

from 2-4 hours down to 1-5 minutes


of human resources are saved on production line supervision

one line per person in a plant with 8 lines down to 1-2 people taking care of the whole plant

Related Application

product history & data mining

The problem-finding process takes lots of time and effort, especially when it comes to long production runs. Aiming to improve time and effort consumption when searching for the flaw's reasons, Pioneer Machinery has developed the product history and trace back system.

Event logging system

With the job dispatch system, orders can be delivered to machines through digital signals, which decrease the usage of the paper and realize the digital flow in a smart factory.

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