We are curious, and curiosity leads us down new paths.

The start point of Smart Factory

Since 2011, Industry 4.0 began to change the management mode of traditional cable factories, expecting to control the factory in a more digital and automated way. Pioneer Machinery also invested in R&D related to Smart Factory at this time and has developed technologies, such as a Smart Factory platform, digitalized processes, Internet of Things equipment, quality control accessories, production line upgrade services, etc. For wire and cable factories. Through the integration of experience and new technology, we hope to inject new vitality into the cable and wire page.

With a passion for design and development, Pioneer Machinery brings the most satisfaction to our customers.

Our Philosophy

With customization as the signature, Pioneer Machinery expects to take a different path from the world's leading manufacturers. Rather than becoming the world's No. 1 in quality or capability, Pioneer wants to prioritize customer satisfaction and become the No. 1 in customers' minds.

Therefore, to create products that better meet customers' needs, we invest a lot of R&D costs: training R&D talents, building a dedicated laboratory, and introducing simulation analysis technology.

In addition, in response to the demand for the digital transformation of the cable industry, we invest in the research and development of Smart Factory, hoping that through our understanding of the industry, we can reduce the pain and resistance during the introduction and transformation.

Pioneer is ready to try new things in different fields, only to find the inspiration of progress from different perspectives.

After years of efforts, Pioneer Machinery no longer only provides cable machines but also provides more different kinds of services, from consultation, Smart Factory introduction, maintenance, and old production line upgrade to whole plant solutions. We aim to deliver comprehensive services to our customers. Even so, the only thing that remains the same is that Frontier sincerely hopes to make every customer who meets us feel satisfied from the bottom of their heart.

1974 ~ 2017

  • Founded

  • 1st Transform   
         Customize design, Turnkey solution

  • 2nd Transform   
         Machine automation & Factory automation

  • IIoT

  • IIoT R&D Center

  • SEG   
         CO2 Emission Saved 98,672.7 Kg 

         Equivalent Trees Planted 2,945.08

  • World rank 16   
         World IoT Association

2018 ~ now

  • SmartFA AIoT Solution

  • ASVDA    
         Smart FA solutions sharing with Asia Silicon Valley  

         Development Agency(ASVDA)

  • Story Cover   
         Story cover of Pioneer Machinery in Insight Machinery   


  • Award

  • 5G technology